Jumat, 22 Mei 2015

Want a boy or a girl?

Many specify a method for determining the sex of a child and one of the top is the shettles method. The application of these methods gives chances of success more than 75%. Basically, men produce sperm with two kinds of chromosome genes, i.e. XX (female) and XY (male). The research results of Dr. Shettles suggests that:

The XY chromosome (male)

Sperm size smaller

Vitality is weak, but move faster (aggressive) as compared to the larger chromosome XX

XX chromosomes (female)

The size of the larger sperm

Strong vitality however more slowly

There are several things you can do to increase the odds of finding a baby boy or girl:

At the time of the occurrence of ovulation (fertile periods) will give you a greater chance of getting a tad, because sperm XY tends to be faster and tend to reach the egg first. Recommended related at the time of ovulation, the chance to desire boys. While the chance to desire associated time girls do 3 or more days prior to ovulation. Some steps you can take to discover the lush:

Specify the length of your menstrual cycle. Normal menstrual cycle usually ranges from 21 to 40 days. Where one menstrual cycle starts since the first day of menstruation until the right one day before menstruation in the next month.

In accordance with your menstrual cycle, calculate and specify the expected first day of menstruation for the next month, then reduced to 14 days. Because ovulation occurs 14 days before the first period in the next month

The pH in the pivotal role of femininity. The more acidic environment likely to produce daughters (an acid will kill the sperm of XY) and alkaline conditions will produce a boy.

The position and depth of penetration when exposed. The more shallow or close to the vagina will generally be menghasillkan women and deeper will produce a boy.

Sperm count will be influential as well. More sperm count will increase the chances of the boy, two things are done:

For boys, the guy should be more frequent use of loose pants. This is due to increasing fertility where the testicles require a lower temperature so that sperm can survive and because sperm XY life power weaker, then in this way would be more helpful than sperm XX but not recommended if doing the opposite (men wearing tights).

For girls, the guy should be a warm bath immediately before sex. In this way will more likely XX sperm

4 Things to do With Couples Before having a Baby

Anyone would want to have a happy family and complete start of father, mother and the presence of liver pieces in it. However, for those married couples who had married or newlywed was arguably the first time to have a baby, this moment is the moment of the first as well as the first experience that teaches a lot of things for them.

Yet the experience of caring for a baby, it is not uncommon for new parents to be awkward, uncomfortable and even angry when a baby is fussy or noisy. Basically, a baby is someone who is cute, adorable, fun and entertaining. But, every now and then the baby will be fussy and need to be extra patience to care for him.

Metro.co.uk, offered from the page to the new parent is not difficult and awkward when she has the baby, there are some things that need to be done with the couple before having a baby. What are these things? check out his review here.

1. Clean House

To welcome the presence of the fruit of the heart in your family, make sure to always maintain the cleanliness of the home. Try to help each other with one another in cleaning the House. Try each other for mutual understanding and a duty to maintain proper hygiene and environmental health home.

2. Boost Mutual Trust

Be sure to intermittent increases a sense of trust with one another. High mutual trust will help you feel happy before and after having a baby in your family. Mutual trust can also help increase attention to one another.

3. Boost Patience

Before having a baby in your family, try to improve patience in yourself. To care for a newborn, any person prosecuted for being a private patient, thorough and compassionate. Not infrequently, the adorable tiny babies change very fussy and it could be said to be very annoying. Before having a baby, try to learn to become full of patience both with couples or people around you.

4. Reduce Time With Gadgets

If you are excited in front of the screen gadgets or computer screen and playing around in cyberspace, before having a baby this very need to be reduced. Not only reduces time in front of Your gadget, together the couple is also very necessary to reduce customs exist in social media. Strain the existing friends on social media. Be sure to choose a good friend and did you know. If you choose the wrong friends, this could be dangerous for the couple as well as the fruit of your heart.

Ladies, that's some of the things that need to be done with the couple before having a baby in your family. In addition to the above, you also need to partner together to get acquainted mutually help one another, learning to hold your drowsiness at night to keep up with one another, increasing the feeling of mutual love and have a relationship that seromantis possible.